Saturday, January 12, 2008

Internet Cafe Shanghai

We made it! After a long night sail, we got up in the morning to a cold and rainy view of Shanghai harbor... shivering we wondered the streets close to where the ship stood and got a glimpse of many empy street (considering that it was a Saturday morning). Yet we managed to go to a local supermarket and get a view of the Western worl re-packaged in Chinese packaging next to small eateries where food was cooked outside on a hot plate or big pot for steaming soup and vegetables.

Later we got on a tour bus and dro0ve through the city to take a look at thev impressive developments all around. Images of new York City come to mind with a mix of Disneyland as you ooh and ah at the tremendous building and shopping centers. The streets are clean and it all seems like almost part of a sci-fi movie... The students keep asking for shopping areas and ignoring the gleaming buildings. I am trying to peek around corners through the foggy bus windows for a glimpse of side streets that may conceal the old China, with little luck.

Tonight we are off the see an acrobat act. Clearly a tourist attraction but one that hopefully will relay some of the amazing traditions of Chinese culture. Shanghai does have a bit of a Vegas showmanship to it, though. Lots of hotels with gold decorations and greek sculptures adorning the entrances. Or maybe it is only the view from the bus...

Well folks, I have not been able to upload pictures here to my blog. Will try again tomorrow. I am also very cold, sitting in this Internet room full of empy booths and little lightingwith no heating....

1 comment:

Peggy Pusch and Lee Zeigler said...

You-all made it!!! Yea! Can't wait to hear more and really sorry it is so cold.