Sunday, February 3, 2008

What Day Is It?

Here on the ship, we have long lost the ability to figure out what day of the week we are in. We work around the clock with no weekends off and our classes are basically divided between "blue" and "green" days. Visitors that come on board as amused to find out that we discuss any scheduling using these terms with zero consideration as to the date and/or day.

Now even our time of the day has gotten messed up because we already adjusted the clock to gain one hour a couple of days ago, and yesterday we adjusted it by another half an hour! How weird is that! So we contiously check with each other what time it is, what day it is and what date it is as we also configure how to adjust that to the dates and times of the various countires we come from.

We the Americans, just got thrown off by trying to track the Super Bowl and the coming Super Tuesday of the elections. We seem to always be behind on any news story even though most of us try to get on the Internet at least once a day.

This all leads to a sense of "living in a bubble" that is at time comforting and at other times disconcerning. We love the sense of "living in our own world" since it feels somewhat safer, but we do feel also that we may get off the ship and find out that world events have shifted so many things while we were gone that we might feel like strangers in our own countries...

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