Thursday, March 27, 2008

Barcelona - OK - I know you are not going to believe this, BUT...

Yes, right by this old farm house somewhere outside of the Barcelona, the students in my undergraduate learning circle for international business were introduced to... (drum roll...)
the most secretive manufacturing plant of the world's MOST expensive SUPER CAR!
Only 12 cars are manufactured a year for a selective group of customers who are willing to pay..........$700,000 EUROS PER CAR!
The cars are hand made bit by bit from the most advanced materials in the world and are designed like fighter jets, yet perform as well as a Formula One race car while being able to drive in regular streets!
Introducing the TRAMONTANA super car. Named after a wind the blows in the mountains surrounding ths tiny village where this secret factory exists, the car looks like something from another planet. Yet the 20 or so odd people who work in this incredible company are so warm and unassuming that you will never believe they are responsible for such a marvel.
Needless to say, we felt very privileged to share their story and their dreams...

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