Monday, April 7, 2008

Cultural Shows - We are on our way to Broadway!

Our students are amazing! Since we have started this voyage, we have been entertained by incredible cultural shows that they have put together to celebrate their respective countries' rich cultures - from Australian to Chinese, Indian to Canadian, Latin to American - we have show after show produced and performed by students that rival anything one can almost catch on Broadway! Using their creativity this way has proven to be a way for all of us to embrace each other's heritage to the point that now the cultural shows have students from OTHER cultures performing different cultures of their own and having a blast becoming someone different for a night...
So far I had the privilege of appearing on the Middle East show by reading together with our Egyptian-born psychologist such children's poems about peace. I also performed cowboy poetry on the American show with one of our other professors and a students. These are some of the fondest memories I will carry with me from this voyage...

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